road trip squad

Starter Pack

new tork city

from 12 til 24 july 2024

Dear Leaders, (ou à mettre dans l’objet du mail directement?)

This page is designed to provide you with all the necessary information to ensure a successful stay abroad. We have included all our main procedures and modes of operation, structured into easy-to-use, comprehensive and practical sheets, to help you plan your trip effectively.

Our dedicated team is here to provide you with all the support you need, answer all your questions, and guide you through the process. We strongly recommend that you read this page multiple times to fully understand its instructions and recommendations. Regular consultation and diligent application of the guidelines are crucial for your stay’s success.

This guide is intentionally directive to avoid misinterpretations. Everyone must have the same discourse and mode of operation with teens and families. By putting our operating rules in writing, we hope to gain clarity and transparency with you.

We have gathered as much information as possible to guide you through your stay. These are our must-haves, and we are confident they will help you prepare for an excellent stay abroad.

We appreciate your time and attention to reading this page carefully. Please let us know if we have provided you with the information you need.

The NOMAD Team.

to-do list

Stay organised, manage your time effectively, and work towards achieving your goals
  • Thank you for taking note of our Go-To Travel Guide - Thailand. Let’s review them to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.
  • sfqfsqfddqfds


Hire Top Talent
  • I am pleased to introduce you to the program in which your child is enrolled, through this letter. On behalf of NOMAD, I would like to assure you that my educational team and I will do our best to ensure that your child has an excellent experience. This page outlines the main material and technical components of the program, as well as the educational commitments of the supervisory team throughout the program. Neglecting them could seriously jeopardize the smooth running of the program. Therefore, we kindly request you to read it together with your child.
  • Just a quick reminder that the language we will be using here is English.

google drive

Updated on Monday, 14th May 2024


Updated on Monday, 14th May 2024
  • Leaders3
  • Girls9
  • Boys6
  • Total18


  • Daily Actual SpendingTrack your actual spending in each category daily to see how it aligns with your budgeted amounts.
  • ExpensesCertain categories can be adjusted based on your lifestyle and financial situation. It's essential to track your spending in each category daily to ensure that you stay within the budget.
  • Expenses: FoodThe food budget is a specific allocation of funds that is solely designated for purchasing food items. Unlike other budget categories that may have some flexibility with other expenses, the food budget is unique. The food budget prioritizes nutritional needs and ensures that adequate resources are allocated to maintain a healthy diet, which is not just important but essential for maintaining good health.
  • Credit CardWe will provide you with a credit card for the duration of your stay to facilitate your transactions and withdrawals. You are responsible for managing and keeping the card safe.
  • Support Whether you need help with account inquiries, reporting a lost or stolen card, or disputing unauthorised charges, we're here to offer the support you need whenever you need it.
  • Process for returning the credit cardThe credit card and budget (transfer only) must be hand-delivered within 10 days after the tour.

health & medical

  • WaterStaying hydrated is essential for maintaining optimal health and supporting the proper functioning of the body's systems. To ensure adequate hydration, it's necessary to drink water regularly throughout the day, especially during periods of physical activity, hot weather, or illness. Only water will be allowed during meals!
  • Soft DrinksTeenagers can purchase soft drinks only outside of meal times and use only their own money.
  • MedicinesMedicines are only allowed with a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider.
  • Medical FormInformation helps provide appropriate medical care and assistance during the trip. Travellers must provide accurate and comprehensive details on the form to enable smooth travel experiences and access to necessary medical services. Referring to it before proceeding with any action!
  • Health Monitor RolePre-Departure Preparation:
    Before departure, it is important to review the health and medical histories of all travellers to identify any pre-existing conditions, allergies, or special medical needs. Additionally, ensure that all travellers have received the necessary vaccinations and medications for the destination. Advise them to take recommended health precautions such as food and water safety, insect bite prevention, and sun protection.

    On-Trip Responsibilities:
    During the trip, conduct regular health check-ins with travellers to assess their well-being and monitor for signs of illness or discomfort. If any medical concerns or emergencies arise, assist the travellers and coordinate with local healthcare providers or emergency services, as required. Keep an eye out for symptoms of infectious diseases among group members and take appropriate measures to prevent spread, such as isolation and arranging for medical evaluation. It's recommended to maintain a well-stocked travel medical kit with essential supplies and medications for common travel-related ailments, injuries, or emergencies.

    Emergency Response:
    In case of a medical emergency, you will serve as the point of contact for the travel group. Coordinate emergency medical care and evacuation procedures as needed and administer first aid and basic life support measures until professional medical help arrives.

    Communication and Documentation:
    Maintain clear communication channels with group members and trip leaders regarding health-related matters. Keep accurate records of any health incidents or interventions during the trip, including documentation of symptoms, treatments provided, and outcomes. As the designated health monitor, it is important to provide peace of mind for travellers and trip organisers, ensuring that potential health issues are promptly addressed and everyone can enjoy a safe and healthy travel experience.
  • InsuranceThe credit card and budget (transfer only) must be hand-delivered within 10 days after the tour.
  • Communication with Families
  • Reimbursement
  • Doctor, Hospital or EmergencyKeep in mind that you are not a doctor. Safety should always be the top priority in any medical situation. It's crucial to seek proper care as soon as possible. If you are unsure about the severity of a medical issue, it's best to err on the side of caution and reach out to emergency services or a hospital for help.


  • PositionnmentUn groupe de 18/21 ans n’est pas un groupe de 14/17 ans ! La différence ? Ils sont majeurs. Par conséquent, la législation jeunesse & sport ne s’applique pas. Pour autant, et dans un soucis de responsabilité, certaines règles devront être respectées.
  • Meals• Repas en autonomie possible
    • Au moins 1 repas par jour en commun
  • Free-Time• Autorisés
    • Rappeler les règles élémentaires de sécurité
    • Avoir les coordonnées de chacun
  • Relationship• Les relations sexuelles entre participant ou entre un participant et un touriste...sont tolérées. Il sera rappeler les risques liés à la destination et aux relations non protégées.
    • Les relations sexuelles entre un accompagnateur et un participant sont trictement interdites.
  • Illicits Products • Conformément à la loi française, ....
    • Si la législation du pays est plus stricte que la loi de notre pays, s’y référer.
  • AlcoholThe credit card and budget (transfer only) must be hand-delivered within 10 days after the tour.
  • Tabac • Autorisé et rappel de quelques règles élémentaires (mégots à la poubelle, ne pas fumer dans les lieux publics...)
    • Aucun responsable de groupe ne devra acheter des cigarette pour les participants



useful details

  • Plug


  • In Case of EmergencyEmail Us or WhatsApp Us (do not give this email/number to the parents/participants


Copyright © 2024 – NOMAD | OUTDOOR DIVISION – All Rights Reserved.